REST V10 Report Data - So Close

Hey Guys,

I've done my research, used wrappers - read the API and all examples end at the same point which is retrieving the report heading\names ect but never the report data.

I've followed the guide and I get back below.

My expected action is to retrieve the below WITH the report data.

Currently, only the display columns are returned.

I think prehaps before the CURL request I maybe need to POST some stuff to it stating I would like it returned in full... but can't find any documentation or examples on this

My code below

$curl = curl_init($url . "/Reports/c6eaf84e-cde2-38e8-3267-571efc8a4ab7");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json',"OAuth-Token: $token"));
// Make the REST call, returning the result
$response = curl_exec($curl);
$response = json_decode($response);

This outputs the below

  'team_count' => '',
  'team_name' => 
  array (
  0 => 
  'id' => 1,
  'name' => 'Global',
  'name_2' => '',
  'primary' => true,
  'id' => 'c6eaf84e-cde2-38e8-3267-571efc8a4ab7',
  'name' => 'Weekly Calendar ',
  'module' => 'Contacts',
  'report_type' => 'tabular',
  'content' => '{"display_columns":[{"name":"date_start","label":"Start Date","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"},{"name":"full_name","label":"Full Name","table_key":"Contacts:assigned_user_link"},{"name":"meeting_type_c","label":"Meeting Type","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"},{"name":"location","label":"Location","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"},{"name":"title","label":"Title","table_key":"self"},{"name":"alt_address_city","label":"Physical Address City","table_key":"self"},{"name":"referral_source_c","label":"Referral Source","table_key":"self"},{"name":"first_appointment_consultant_c","label":"First Appointment Consultant","table_key":"self"},{"name":"first_appointment_c","label":"First Appointment","table_key":"self"},{"name":"booking_fee_c","label":"Booking Fee","table_key":"self"},{"name":"personal_borrow_capacity_c","label":"Personal Borrow Capacity","table_key":"self"},{"name":"smsf_borrowing_capacity_c","label":"SMSF Borrowing Capacity","table_key":"self"},{"name":"status","label":"Status","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"},{"name":"second_meeting_result_c","label":"Meeting Result","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"}],"module":"Contacts","group_defs":[],"summary_columns":[],"report_name":"Weekly Calendar ","chart_type":"none","do_round":1,"numerical_chart_column":"","numerical_chart_column_type":"","assigned_user_id":"975c440f-5951-d8a6-2b2c-54e1764e5324","report_type":"tabular","order_by":[{"name":"date_start","vname":"Start Date","type":"datetimecombo","dbType":"datetime","importable":"required","required":true,"enable_range_search":true,"options":[{"value":"=","text":"Equals"},{"value":"not_equal","text":"Not On"},{"value":"greater_than","text":"After"},{"value":"less_than","text":"Before"},{"value":"last_7_days","text":"Last 7 Days"},{"value":"next_7_days","text":"Next 7 Days"},{"value":"last_30_days","text":"Last 30 Days"},{"value":"next_30_days","text":"Next 30 Days"},{"value":"last_month","text":"Last Month"},{"value":"this_month","text":"This Month"},{"value":"next_month","text":"Next Month"},{"value":"last_year","text":"Last Year"},{"value":"this_year","text":"This Year"},{"value":"next_year","text":"Next Year"},{"value":"between","text":"Is Between"}],"table_key":"Contacts:meetings","sort_dir":"d"}],"full_table_list":{"self":{"value":"Contacts","module":"Contacts","label":"Contacts","dependents":[]},"Contacts:meetings":{"name":"Clients \\u003E Meetings","parent":"self","link_def":{"name":"meetings","relationship_name":"meetings_contacts","bean_is_lhs":false,"link_type":"many","label":"Meetings","module":"Meetings","table_key":"Contacts:meetings"},"dependents":["Filter.1_table_filter_row_1","display_cols_row_1","display_cols_row_3","display_cols_row_4","display_cols_row_14","display_cols_row_15","Filter.1_table_filter_row_1","display_cols_row_1","display_cols_row_3","display_cols_row_4","display_cols_row_14","display_cols_row_15","Filter.1_table_filter_row_1","display_cols_row_1","display_cols_row_3","display_cols_row_4","display_cols_row_13","display_cols_row_14"],"module":"Meetings","label":"Meetings","optional":true},"Contacts:assigned_user_link":{"name":"Clients \\u003E Assigned to User","parent":"self","link_def":{"name":"assigned_user_link","relationship_name":"contacts_assigned_user","bean_is_lhs":false,"link_type":"one","label":"Assigned to User","module":"Users","table_key":"Contacts:assigned_user_link"},"dependents":["display_cols_row_2","display_cols_row_2","display_cols_row_2"],"module":"Users","label":"Assigned to User","optional":true}},"filters_def":{"Filter_1":{"operator":"AND","0":{"name":"date_start","table_key":"Contacts:meetings","qualifier_name":"tp_next_7_days","input_name0":"tp_next_7_days","input_name1":"on"},"1":{"name":"title","table_key":"self","qualifier_name":"not_empty","input_name0":"not_empty","input_name1":"on"}}}}',
  'deleted' => false,
  'date_entered' => '2016-04-26T15:27:17+10:00',
  'date_modified' => '2016-05-03T13:18:47+10:00',
  'assigned_user_id' => '975c440f-5951-d8a6-2b2c-54e1764e5324',
  'modified_user_id' => 'c29ffe9c-c329-4d39-a7b0-54d3b82b58b8',
  'assigned_user_name' => 'CE NSW Calendar',
  'created_by' => '975c440f-5951-d8a6-2b2c-54e1764e5324',
  'is_published' => false,
  'last_run_date' => '',
  'chart_type' => 'none',
  'schedule_type' => 'pro',
  'favorite' => '',
  'my_favorite' => false,
  '_acl' => 
  'fields' => 
  '_module' => 'Reports',
  • The API Endpoint you are using above is simply the <module>/<record_id> API Endpoint and that is why you are returning the Report Record, and not the Report Data.

    You can get the Report Data in PDF format by using the following API Endpoint:


    The only two Export Types included in Sugar by default are PDF and Base64. The developer Article you mentioned above, shows how to add in a CSV export of the data, by adding in a custom Endpoint to the API, and this would be the only way to get a JSON format of the results as well. TO use the Developer article above, your request should go to Reports/<record_id>/csv

    For your scenario you would want to extend the ReportsExportApi (modules/Reports/clients/base/api/ReportsExportApi.php) and add in a 'exportJSON' method to return the JSON formatted results of the report, when accessing Reports/<record_id>/json




  • Hey Mike,

    Having trouble even getting the example for CSV picked up by the Rest Service

    I have the file name exactly the same as the class name in a location you specified (minus the .php)

    My understanding is, when it works it should auto generate and be visible on the /rest/v10/help screen

    I don't see a reference to it there and the method path does not exist.

    thanks but so far, very easy to see this is the right area to extend it to do what I want with it!


    Found on

    Hey, what gives? First things first let’s check to see if it registered correctly by looking for the endpoint definition in /help, navigate over to /rest/v10/help in your browser and look for it. Not there? didn’t think so.

    We added the class and it didn’t load. Since the REST API looks for so many files in so many directories we have to add some heavy duty caching in order to speed up the url lookup on every single request. In order for changes in endpoint definitions to show up we need to login as an admin and run quick repair and rebuild.

    After quick repair, let’s check /rest/v10/help again and you should see a line like this:

  • Hey Mike,

    Having trouble even getting the example for CSV picked up by the Rest Service

    I have the file name exactly the same as the class name in a location you specified (minus the .php)

    My understanding is, when it works it should auto generate and be visible on the /rest/v10/help screen

    I don't see a reference to it there and the method path does not exist.

    thanks but so far, very easy to see this is the right area to extend it to do what I want with it!


    Found on

    Hey, what gives? First things first let’s check to see if it registered correctly by looking for the endpoint definition in /help, navigate over to /rest/v10/help in your browser and look for it. Not there? didn’t think so.

    We added the class and it didn’t load. Since the REST API looks for so many files in so many directories we have to add some heavy duty caching in order to speed up the url lookup on every single request. In order for changes in endpoint definitions to show up we need to login as an admin and run quick repair and rebuild.

    After quick repair, let’s check /rest/v10/help again and you should see a line like this:

  • Our Developer Guide might have better and more up to date information on Extending the V10 API:…

    Your new Endpoint might not be showing in the Help documentation, if you were directly extending the default ReportsExportApi, and not changing the Registered endpoint (i.e. Reports/:record_id/:export_type ) it would still show in the same help section, you just merely added an Export Type to that Endpoint.

    If that doesn't help, below is a Custom Reports Endpoint I had built one morning awhile back, when someone asked if it was possible to alter the Report Run-Time filters via the API when generating a PDF. Placing this code in custom/modules/Reports/clients/base/api/CustomReportsExportApi.php will add in the logic to pass in run-time filters to the standard Report Export API, and will add an extra Endpoint to the Help documentation for POST to Reports/:report_id/:export_type . Since this extends the exact API I mentioned, you should be able to add in a exportJson() method to it, to manipulate the Report Obj passed into it. No guarantees this still works, as I did not test it again since I last looked at it.

    <?php if (!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');  require_once('data/BeanFactory.php'); require_once('include/download_file.php'); require_once('modules/Reports/clients/base/api/ReportsExportApi.php');  class CustomReportsExportApi extends ReportsExportApi {      public function registerApiRest() {                   return array(                           'exportRecord' => array(                                   'reqType' => 'GET',                                   'path' => array('Reports', '?', '?'),                                   'pathVars' => array('module', 'record', 'export_type'),                                   'method' => 'exportRecord',                                   'rawReply'=> true,                                   'shortHelp' => 'This method exports a record in the specified type',                                   'longHelp' => '',                           ),               'exportRecordPost' => array(                                   'reqType' => 'POST',                                   'path' => array('Reports', '?', '?'),                                   'pathVars' => array('module', 'record', 'export_type'),                                   'method' => 'exportRecord',                                   'rawReply'=> true,                                   'shortHelp' => 'This method exports a record in the specified type. Allows for passing in of Report Run Time filters to alter the exported report data.',                                   'longHelp' => '',                           ),                  );           }      public function exportRecord($api, $args) {         $this->requireArgs($args, array(             'record',             'export_type'         ));         $args['module'] = 'Reports';         $GLOBALS['disable_date_format'] = FALSE;         $method = 'export' . ucwords($args['export_type']);         if (!method_exists($this, $method)) {             throw new SugarApiExceptionNoMethod('Export Type Does Not Exists');         }         $saved_report = $this->loadBean($api, $args, 'view');         if (!$saved_report->ACLAccess('view')) {             throw new SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized('No access to view records for module: Reports');         }         if (isset($_POST)){             $reportObj = $this->updateRunTimeFilters($saved_report);         }         return $this->$method($api, $reportObj);     }      protected function updateRunTimeFilters(SugarBean $report) {         global $current_user;         // do this to go through the transformation         $report_def = isset($_POST['report_def']) ? html_entity_decode($_POST['report_def']) : array();         $reportID = $report->id;         if (!empty($_POST['reset_filters'])) {             $rCache = new ReportCache();             $rCache->delete($report->id);             $newArray = array();             $newArray['filters_def'] = $report->report_def['filters_def'];             $reportCache = saveReportFilters($reportID, json_encode($newArray));             $report = new Report($report->content);         } else if (!empty($_POST['report_def'])) {             $requestFilterDef = json_decode($report_def, TRUE);             $reportContent = json_decode($report->content, TRUE);             $reportContent['filters_def'] = $requestFilterDef['filters_def'];             if (isset($requestFilterDef['order_by'])) {                 $reportContent['order_by'] = $requestFilterDef['order_by'];             }             if (isset($requestFilterDef['summary_order_by'])) {                 $reportContent['summary_order_by'] = $requestFilterDef['summary_order_by'];             }             $report_def = json_encode($reportContent);             $report = new Report($report_def);             $newArray = array();             $newArray['filters_def'] = $requestFilterDef['filters_def'];             $reportCache = saveReportFilters($reportID, json_encode($newArray));         }         return $report;     } }