Language file issues

Just wondering if anyone out there is having issues where updating a string in studio and it not updating the string on the UI?  I noticed that the string I was updating appeared in half a dozen files but when I update the string in studio it updates it in en_us.lang.php.  Then all the files that this mod_string appears in and the en_us.lang.php get "compiled" into the ext file.  But the en_us.lang.php changes appear BEFORE other instances so while en_us.lang.php has the right thing in it the old value still appears on the screen....

Does that make sense and is anyone else seeing this?  It seems to happen more with relationships than anything else.

  • I had some problems in the past, I forget which version it was but some customizations were moved to a different file location and we ended up with some duplicate definitions.

    The compiled version therefore had two separate lists and they were not consistent, whichever was hit last would take effect and sometimes override the proper list which was shown in studio. Other times there were permissions issues so you would change something in studio, save, and it would just revert to the old list.

    I suggest you go to your compiled list, look for the string in question and see how many versions you can find. The ext file should tell you where it was merged from. Clean up your files by removing any additional definitions and leaving the one controlled by studio.

    Hope this helps you dig in the right direction a little...


  • I had some problems in the past, I forget which version it was but some customizations were moved to a different file location and we ended up with some duplicate definitions.

    The compiled version therefore had two separate lists and they were not consistent, whichever was hit last would take effect and sometimes override the proper list which was shown in studio. Other times there were permissions issues so you would change something in studio, save, and it would just revert to the old list.

    I suggest you go to your compiled list, look for the string in question and see how many versions you can find. The ext file should tell you where it was merged from. Clean up your files by removing any additional definitions and leaving the one controlled by studio.

    Hope this helps you dig in the right direction a little...


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