Calendar Picker renders dropdown on TOP of the actual calendar

This is happening for ONE user, on ONE computer, on Google Chrome.

When they go to fill in a date field they get a dropdown of seemingly random dates, and after scrolling slightly the dropdown stays in the same location on the screen and the calendar picker appears from behind it.

Has anyone seen anything like this? 

I suspect it's a browser add-on or some Chrome setting that is doing this since it is just for one person and only on their laptop? (I logged in as them and it works fine for me).



  • Yes

    A customer faced it months ago, after investigation we realize it is due to a conflict between Chrome and Sugar regarding fields rendering. Browser memorize historical fullfilment on some specific field names and try to fullfill it according to some fields tag provided by Sugar. it is possible to "fix" this conflict but it is quite difficult.

    André Lopes
    Lampada Global
    Skype: andre.lampada
  • Thank you ! I will suggest they uninstall and reinstall Chrome. It's a pretty shotgun approach but it should work.

  • You should added on the field autocomplete=off that should void that.

    Rodrigo Manara

    Sr. Developer