Where can i find the code running in Notes openCreateDrawer? in adding new Record

Where can i find the code running in Notes openCreateDrawer? in adding new Record

Version: SugarCRM 7.61

  • Hi Longki,

    Notes module is sidecar now.

    Opendrawer (view) will come from record.hbs which is located in /clients/base/views/record/.But if you are looking for any controller related changes ,then you need to go with create-actions.js.

    Here is how i am saying opendrawer view will come form record.hbs.

    create-actions.js will extendsview from createView.(you can find this from clients/base/views/create-actions/create-actions.js).

    create.js will extend view of recordview.(you can find this from /clients/base/views/create/create.js).you can check from where it gets extendsFrom .

    So finally (view) it comes record.hbs.Both record and create view will come from this file only.

    hope this helps.

  • Thanks Ajay, it really helped a lot. i already created the ../create-actions/create-actions.js but my problem now is to create an AJAX on it on my new custom API function calling my non-db of my customized fields. im really new to SugarCRM, pls bear with me

  • Hi Longki

    Missing API file error on AJAX call

    can you try using api call instead of ajax.The above post will help you.Let us know if you still need more.

  • i already called the API but i dont know what to put in

    $sql= "call <what_to_put_here> ('?','?')";


    if ($row)  { 

                $json = array( 'valid' => $row['<what_to_put_here>'], 'code' => $row['<what_to_put_here>'], 'error' => $row['errorMessage']); 

            return json_encode($json); 



                return $db->lastDbError(); 


  • Hi Longi,

    Can you post your js code and api code here? It will be more helpful to figure it out.


  • my create-actions.js


        extendsFrom: 'CreateView',


         * @inheritDoc


        initialize: function(options) {

            options.meta = _.extend({}, app.metadata.getView(null, 'create-actions'), options.meta);

            this._super('initialize', [options]);

            _.bind(this._getContactFromCases, this);


        _getContactFromCases: function(callback){

            //calling ..rest/v10/Notes/NotesGetContactApi.php

            var avatarNameNotes = document.getElementsByName('notes_avatar_name_c')[0].value;         

            var cidNotes = document.getElementsByName('cid_c')[0].value; 


            app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/NotesGetContactApi/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes),null,{ 

                beforeSend: function (request) {   

                    request.setRequestHeader("OAuth-Token", SUGAR.App.api.getOAuthToken());   


                success :function (data){   

                    data = JSON.parse(data); 

                    console.log("AJAX Call successful"); 


                    if (data.valid == 1){ 

                        console.log("Result is valid"); 


                    else { 


                            level: 'error', 

                            title: 'Error:', 

                            messages: data.error, 





                error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { 










    here is my NotesGetContactApi.php



    class NotesGetContactApi extends SugarApi{

        public function registerApiRest() {

            return array(

                'populateFromCasesApi' => array(

                    'reqType'   => 'GET',

                    'path'      => array('Notes', 'GetCaseNote', '?'),

                    'pathVars'  => array('','','notes_avatar_name_c', 'cid_c'),

                    'method'    => 'populateFromCasesApi',

                    'shortHelp' => 'This method will return the Contact Information of a Case upon creating a Note.',

                    'longHelp'  => '',




        public function populateFromCasesApi($api, $args){

            global $db; 

            $sql ="


                      n.avatar_name AS `avatar_name_c`,

                      n.cid AS `cid_c`,

                    FROM notes n

                      LEFT JOIN notes_attachments_linkage l ON l.note_id = n.id


                      n.{$parent_column} = ?

                      AND n.deleted = 0

                      AND n.parent_type = 'Cases'

                      AND n.contact_id = ?

                    ORDER BY n.date_entered DESC


            $params = array($args["notes_avatar_name_c"], $args["cid_c"]); 

            $result = $db->pQuery($sql, $params); 

            $row = $db->fetchByAssoc($result); 

            if ($row)  { 

                $json = array( 'valid' => $row['??????'], 'code' => $row['????????'], 'error' => $row['errorMessage']); 

            return json_encode($json); 



                return $db->lastDbError(); 



  • Hi Longki,

    I dont think your api will get called.You have defined wrong api path in create-actions.js

      app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/NotesGetContactApi/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes)

    It should match with path and pathvars in your api.

    So it should be like

    app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/GetCaseNote/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes)

    And another correction is ,that you are have defined 3 params in return array path parameter,but you are trying to push 4 params to return array pathvars

    So it should be like

      'path'      => array('Notes', 'GetCaseNote', '?','?'),

                    'pathVars'  => array(' ',' ','notes_avatar_name_c', 'cid_c'),

    To summarize your create-actions.js will look like below,

      _getContactFromCases: function(callback){
            //calling ..rest/v10/Notes/NotesGetContactApi.php
            var avatarNameNotes = document.getElementsByName('notes_avatar_name_c')[0].value;          
            var cidNotes = document.getElementsByName('cid_c')[0].value;  
            app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/GetCaseNote/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes),null,{  

    and your api file will look like

    class NotesGetContactApi extends SugarApi{
        public function registerApiRest() {
            return array(
                'populateFromCasesApi' => array(
                    'reqType'   => 'GET',
                    'path'      => array('Notes','GetCaseNote','?','?'),
                    'pathVars'  => array(' ',' ','notes_avatar_name_c', 'cid_c'),
                    'method'    => 'populateFromCasesApi',
                    'shortHelp' => 'This method will return the Contact Information of a Case upon creating a Note.',
                    'longHelp'  => '',
        public function populateFromCasesApi($api, $args){

    Follow this also :

    1.Just print avatarNameNotes and cidNotes to console log(To make sure you are passing value those variables)

    2.In populateFromCasesApi function print something to sugarlog(To make sure your api getting called properly)

  • Hi Longki,

    I dont think your api will get called.You have defined wrong api path in create-actions.js

      app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/NotesGetContactApi/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes)

    It should match with path and pathvars in your api.

    So it should be like

    app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/GetCaseNote/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes)

    And another correction is ,that you are have defined 3 params in return array path parameter,but you are trying to push 4 params to return array pathvars

    So it should be like

      'path'      => array('Notes', 'GetCaseNote', '?','?'),

                    'pathVars'  => array(' ',' ','notes_avatar_name_c', 'cid_c'),

    To summarize your create-actions.js will look like below,

      _getContactFromCases: function(callback){
            //calling ..rest/v10/Notes/NotesGetContactApi.php
            var avatarNameNotes = document.getElementsByName('notes_avatar_name_c')[0].value;          
            var cidNotes = document.getElementsByName('cid_c')[0].value;  
            app.api.call('GET', app.api.buildURL("Notes/GetCaseNote/"+avatarNameNotes+"/"+cidNotes),null,{  

    and your api file will look like

    class NotesGetContactApi extends SugarApi{
        public function registerApiRest() {
            return array(
                'populateFromCasesApi' => array(
                    'reqType'   => 'GET',
                    'path'      => array('Notes','GetCaseNote','?','?'),
                    'pathVars'  => array(' ',' ','notes_avatar_name_c', 'cid_c'),
                    'method'    => 'populateFromCasesApi',
                    'shortHelp' => 'This method will return the Contact Information of a Case upon creating a Note.',
                    'longHelp'  => '',
        public function populateFromCasesApi($api, $args){

    Follow this also :

    1.Just print avatarNameNotes and cidNotes to console log(To make sure you are passing value those variables)

    2.In populateFromCasesApi function print something to sugarlog(To make sure your api getting called properly)
