Opening an action item of menu in new tab - sugarcrm

I am new to Sugar CRM. I have a new item named "Maps" which is in actions under Leads menu. I found for "Maps" in the whole project and found it in menu.ext.php. Here it is assigned to an array variable as a parameter as show below

$module_menu[]=Array(         "">mydomain/.../something.php" ,         "Maps","Leads");

I need to add target="_blank" to the anchor tag of this "Maps" action item McDVOICE so that it opens in a new tab.

  • I have implemented the feature using the following code:


    I have written if-else logic as shown below for the action items

    {else}     {foreach from=$SHORTCUT_MENU item=item}           {if $item.LABEL == "Maps"}             <span style="white-space:nowrap;">            <a target="_blank" href="{$item.URL}">{$item.IMAGE} <span>{$item.LABEL}</span></a>        </span>           {else}        <span style="white-space:nowrap;">            <a href="{$item.URL}">{$item.IMAGE} <span>{$item.LABEL}</span></a>        </span>           {/if}     {/foreach} {/if}

    Hope it helps someone in need.

  • I have implemented the feature using the following code:


    I have written if-else logic as shown below for the action items

    {else}     {foreach from=$SHORTCUT_MENU item=item}           {if $item.LABEL == "Maps"}             <span style="white-space:nowrap;">            <a target="_blank" href="{$item.URL}">{$item.IMAGE} <span>{$item.LABEL}</span></a>        </span>           {else}        <span style="white-space:nowrap;">            <a href="{$item.URL}">{$item.IMAGE} <span>{$item.LABEL}</span></a>        </span>           {/if}     {/foreach} {/if}

    Hope it helps someone in need.

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