uploading a file in core module

I have created a file type field in accounts module and I want the uploads files to get saved in my custom path rather than in uploads folder can any one help me out ?
Parents Reply
  • Hi Shijin,

    I actually need to do this to a custom module - not a core module, but we are quite familiar with Sugar in general and custom coding so if you have an example of adding a File field to one module, I'm fairly confident we can apply that to other modules.  I've seen snippets of code describing what is needed - but have not found a complete explanation that clearly identifies all the places that need to be touched - and as I'm sure you well know - one missing detail in Sugar can have significant cascading results!

    I've actually been trying to figure out how to enable the ability to add a file field in Studio and/or Module Builder - the templates etc. seem to exist - but the plumbing is not connected! I ultimately need to add a file upload fields to a number of modules.

    Thanks for any help you can provide!
