Sugar 7 - Prevent certain records from being deleted

Hi, in sugar 6, I could prevent a record being deleted by doing this in custom/modules/Accounts/controller.php:


if (!defined('sugarEntry'))
    define('sugarEntry', true);

require_once 'include/MVC/Controller/SugarController.php';

class AccountsController extends SugarController {

    function action_delete() {
        if (empty($this->bean->some_field_c)) {


So the account would be deleted as long as some_field_c was empty. How can I do the same thing in sugar 7? It looks like custom/modules/Accounts/controller.php is no longer read. I know I can edit the record.js for accounts and catch the delete trigger and stop it there, but this is client side, plus I would need to do it for the recordlist view, massupdate view, etc. It would also mean that other apps accessing the sugar API delete these records.

I also tried the before_delete logic hook which does get called but you can't intercept the delete here.


Parents Reply
  • Thanks for that. I overrode the deleteRecord() method from the ModuleAPI class and it works. I guess the only other thing to add would be to make it say an error ("Can't delete this account") or something but at least I can now prevent accounts from being deleted.

    Also I noticed that if a module is ran in backward compatibility mode then it does read custom/modules/<module>/controller.php but not if the module is running in sugar 7 mode.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Could you please share steps you followed to override deleteRecord() method. I am trying same but getting 500 error on delete of record. Steps I followed:

    Custom file created at location: /var/www/html/habasit820/custom/modules/<Module>/clients/base/api/<file_name>.php


    if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


    class PreventDelete extends ModuleApi
    public function registerApiRest()
    return parent::registerApiRest();

    public function deleteRecord(ServiceBase $api, array $args)

    // Users can be deleted only in cloud console for IDM mode.
    if (in_array($args['module'], $this->idmModeDisabledModules)
    && $this->isIDMModeEnabled()
    && empty($args['skip_idm_mode_restrictions'])) {
    throw new SugarApiExceptionNotAuthorized();

    $bean = $this->loadBean($api, $args, 'delete', $this->aclCheckOptions);
     if($bean->custom_field == '') {

    return array('id'=>$bean->id);

    Quick Repair and Rebuild operation is performed. 

    On delete of record, I am getting 500 error.

    Kindly suggest where I am going wrong.

    Also I have to show alert in else condition. How can we do that?