assigned_user_id doesn't change...


Would really appreciate your help. Very confusing issue. It's gotta be something simple I'm sure, I'm just not seeing it.

I have a before and after save hooks which simply check if the assigned user ID has changed. But I'm getting the same user_ID in the before AND the after save hooks.

Logic Hook registry

$hook_array['before_save'] = Array();
$hook_array['before_save'][] = Array(
'If a new user is assigned to the unit of inventory it changes inventory status to OFFER',
$hook_array['after_save'] = Array();
$hook_array['after_save'][] = Array(
'If a new user is assigned to the unit of inventory it changes inventory status to OFFER',

and the actual hook

class user_assigned_c {
    function user_assigned_before_save($bean, $event, $arguments) {

        $GLOBALS['log']->info('User ID before save: '.$bean->assigned_user_id);


    function user_assigned_after_save($bean, $event, $arguments) {
        // $bean->assigned_user_id stays the same as in the method above...
        $GLOBALS['log']->info('User ID after save: '.$bean->assigned_user_id);

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