How can I obtain $current_user  information through my after_ui_frame logic hook in  Sugarcrm 7.1.5?

I am currently trying to get functionality developed on Sugarcrm 6.7 working on Sugarcrm 7.1.5. I am using an after_ui_frame logic hook to trigger a function in a custom class which is currently located in custom/includes. In this function I use the global $current_user to check whether the user is still logged in (check whether the user_hash is available) and to obtain the eapmBean from a connecter which contains login information. However, the $current_user global does not contain an user id or name that is required.  So my question is how to solve this problem; is the way to obtain current user information changed or is there a problem with my approach?

Also in Sugarcrm 6.7 I used the $_SESSION variable to store additional information about an external login performed to another system. However, this variable is not initialized anymore. So I'm wondering whether it is still used in Sugarcrm or that I can use other strategies to add information to a users' session.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

  • You know, that this logic_hook is only applicable for modules in backward compatibility mode? (see developer guide)
    So perhaps you should change the design of your custom code to work in a view which is added in a custom layout. In the js-controler of such a view you could get the current user info by calling the new REST function GET .../me , or directly from the js-controler by'read', App.api.buildURL('/me'), null,    {    success: _.bind(function(o) {                        console.log(o);                }, this)    }  );

    This call writes to the console log something like:

    object {current_user: Object}

    1. current_user: Object
      1. _hash: "05c73cd06156759d9935b8ad9ec52a19"
      2. acl: Object
      3. full_name: "Harald Kuske"
      4. id: "1"
      5. is_manager: true
      6. is_password_expired: false
      7. is_top_level_manager: true
      8. module_list: Array[24]
      9. my_teams: Array[10]
      10. password_expired_message: ""
      11. picture: "b8c00ca6-ce49-0c13-5d09-528cfd143c80"
      12. preferences: Object
      13. reports_to_id: ""
      14. reports_to_name: ""
      15. show_wizard: false
      16. type: "admin"
      17. user_name: "admin"
      18. __proto__: Object
    2. __proto__: Object
    Just try it in the Debugger of Chrome or Firefox.

    Harald Kuske
    Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
    SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH

  • Yes, that is the right direction for Sugar 7

    Harald Kuske
    Principal Solution Architect – Professional Services, EMEA
    SugarCRM Deutschland GmbH

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