this.model in quote-data-group-list does not have relate field from record.php


I've been struggling to figure this one out and wondered if anyone had any ideas. We have a requirement to make a relationship between products and Tax Rates, selectable in the 7.9+ Sidecar quote-data-group-list.php view.

Here's a brief outline of what I've done:

I have this vardef in custom/Extension/modules/Products/Ext/Vardefs/file.php

$dictionary['Product']['fields']['vat_rate'] = array(
     'name' => 'vat_rate',
     'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_VAT_RATE',
     'type' => 'id',
$dictionary['Product']['fields']['vat_rate_name'] = array(
    'name' => 'vat_rate_name',
    'rname' => 'name',
    'id_name' => 'vat_rate',
    'join_name' => 'taxrates',
    'type' => 'relate',
    'link' => 'taxrates',
    'table' => 'taxrates',
    'isnull' => 'true',
    'module' => 'TaxRates',
    'dbType' => 'varchar',
    'len' => '255',
    'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_VAT_RATE',
    'source' => 'non-db',
    'comment' => 'Vat Rate Name',
    'massupdate' => false,

I've copied quote-data-group-list.php to custom from modules/Products/clients/base/views/quote-data-group-list.php and added this just before the total_amount array:

    'name' => 'vat_rate_name',
    'type' => 'quote-vat-relate',
    'initial_filter' => 'active_taxrates',
    'filter_populate' => array(
        'module' => array('TaxRates'),
    'related_fields' => array(

You'll see I have a custom field type called quote-vat-relate, which I've mocked from the product template selector, extending the BaseRelateField type, located at custom/modules/Products/clients/base/fields/quote-vat-relate.js

    extendsFrom: 'BaseRelateField',

    format: function(value) {
        var idList;
        value = value || this.model.get('vat_rate_name');

        this._super('format', [value]);

        if (value) {
            idList =  this.model.get('vat_rate');
            if (_.isArray(value)) {
                this.formattedIds = idList.join(this._separator);
            } else {
                this.formattedIds = idList;

            if (_.isEmpty(this.formattedIds)) {
                this.formattedIds = value;

        return value;

This all seems to be going well as when I edit the items, I can select a VAT code, and I can confirm it stores in the database. Great!


Navigate, and come back, and it's disappeared!

When I dug into this, I found that when the format() function is initially invoked, this.model doesn't contain my field. Even stranger is that when I move the product lines around, it invokes format() again, and the value suddenly displays! When I looking at the value of this.model now, it contains all of the attributes, including vat_rate_name now!

So it's seems to be down to an initial display issue. Can I ensure that this field is included in this.model from the start? Is this a bug?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Francesca,

    Blast... If that's the "correct" way, then it doesn't work. What it does if I add my "vat_rate_name" field in there, is to not display any lines at all.

    Must be a limitation of using relate fields, or perhaps there's something wrong with the way the relationship is being defined. I suspect it's because the "related fields" are relate fields themselves.

    It may just not be possible then... Thanks anyway!


  • That is very curious, I assume you checked your logs to see if there are any errors when the lines disappear?

  • Francesca Shiekh wrote:

    That is very curious, I assume you checked your logs to see if there are any errors when the lines disappear?

    Hi Francesca,

    I had checked my logs, and found what I thought to be nothing (it was full of unrelated relationship errors). But upon closer inspection, there was an invalid link to my taxrates relationship. I only saw an error clearly returned to me when I made an API call to Products separately.

    After having a closer look, I realised that I'd never defined the TaxRates side of the relationship, or the actual link definition.

    I've added the following:


    'name' => 'product_bundle_items',
        'fields' => array (

    This is now custom/Extension/modules/Products/Ext/Vardefs/file.php

    $dictionary['Product']['fields']['vat_rate'] = array(
         'name' => 'vat_rate',
         'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_VAT_RATE',
         'type' => 'id',
    $dictionary['Product']['fields']['vat_rate_name'] = array(
        'name' => 'vat_rate_name',
        'rname' => 'name',
        'id_name' => 'vat_rate',
        'join_name' => 'vat_rate_products',
        'type' => 'relate',
        'link' => 'vat_rate_products',
        'table' => 'taxrates',
        'isnull' => 'true',
        'module' => 'TaxRates',
        'dbType' => 'varchar',
        'len' => '255',
        'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_VAT_RATE',
        'source' => 'non-db',
        'comment' => 'Vat Rate Name',
        'massupdate' => false,

    $dictionary['Product']['fields']['vat_rate_products'] = array(
        'name' => 'vat_rate_products',
        'type' => 'link',
        'relationship' => 'vat_rate_products',
        'vname' => 'LBL_LIST_VAT_RATE',
        'source' => 'non-db',
    $dictionary['TaxRate']['relationships']['vat_rate_products'] = array(
        'lhs_module' => 'TaxRates',
        'lhs_table' => 'taxrates',
        'lhs_key' => 'id',
        'rhs_module' => 'Products',
        'rhs_table' => 'products',
        'rhs_key' => 'vat_rate',
        'relationship_type' => 'one-to-many',


    $dictionary['TaxRate']['relationships']['vat_rate_products'] = array(
        'lhs_module' => 'TaxRates',
        'lhs_table' => 'taxrates',
        'lhs_key' => 'id',
        'rhs_module' => 'Products',
        'rhs_table' => 'products',
        'rhs_key' => 'vat_rate',
        'relationship_type' => 'one-to-many',

    Thanks for your persistence with checking there was an error, and for linking to that document. I've never come across that in my searching so it definitely helped.

    Thanks again!


  • Glad you were able to figure it out Richard Coleman! Thank you Francesca Shiekh!

    App Ecosystem @ SugarCRM

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