12.1 (Q3 2022) Release Preview is available now!

Hey Sugar Devs,

While Sugar 12.0 may seem like it happened only yesterday, it is time for you to learn what we've been cooking up for 12.1 (Q3 2022) SugarCloud release.

Sugar Release Previews are available to select partners and customers to allow them to plan and prepare customizations and integrations for upcoming Sugar releases. With the Preview, you can download and install pre-release builds of Sugar that you can use for test and development purposes.

The Preview includes our Release Preview Customization Guide which details all the cool features and API we've prepared for this release, but I can't help to announce that we're facelifting the Report Viewer and launching an improved Forecasting Worksheet.

If you don't have access to preview and want to try it, please contact developers@sugarcrm.com to request access to the Sugar Release Preview program.

Finally, please be reminded that the Release Preview contents are confidential, not for production use, and are subject to our pre-release product agreement.

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  • hi
    ok, so I think you are referring to the 'Role' dropdown that appears for each Contact added/related to an Opportunity, correct?

    If so, I think this is a very important feature for Sales people, especially when dealing with larger customers so greater need to know all the people involved and their influence level or Role, but my guess is that hardly anyone knows about it.

    Or it could be that we cannot find the dropdown to add or change the values to match their business requirements.
    Can we reconsider and maybe expose it in studio?